What I can see

Image 1

I can see racism abut black people by not giving them food, or the black people needs to beg for food.


Image 2

There are also pictures about peolpe riding horses to cross a shallow river.

Image 3, Image 4, Image 5

There are aboriginal people or back people hunting for animals. A aboriginal or a black person is acting like a dog while a white person is hunting with his gun.

Image 6

In the last picture, there are two white peoples begging to the aboriginal people or the black people.

Library Reflection Term 1

Library Reflections-Term 1



  1. What genre of books do you enjoy reading the most?


I like to read semi-fiction books and they have a lot of ways of understanding them. I don’t like fantasy, fiction or semi-fiction books. I don’t like fantasy because I think it’s too fake, it couldn’t happen in real life, with fiction, I still think it’s a little bit unreal. But non-fiction books just tell you information about things. Semi-fiction books are based on real-life things, but it just changed some slight meaning, like in Animal Farm, George Orwell expressed Stalin as Napoleon the pig, and turned all the citizens into barn animals. Or in 1984, Orwell was making a prediction to 1984, when he wrote this book, he was in 1949. Orwell was writing about London in the book, while I think the London he wrote was like when Berlin still had the Berlin Wall.


  1. Which book would you recommend?


If would recommend animal farm for year six children, and nineteen-eighty four for year eight kids. Animal farm is a bit easier to understand than nineteen-eighty four, because they used real people but just turned them into animals. Like they in the book they used Lenin as Old major the pig, who was good. But Stalin as Napoleon the pig, Molotov as Squealer the pig who was kind of like a bludger around Napoleon who always listen to Napoleon. Then there are  Snowball (who was the good pig after Old Major died) as Leon Trotsky. But with nineteen eighty four, there’s not specific people for the characters, so you’ll have to think yourself. The highest person in the government in the book is called Big Brother, so you could link him to many other people, there are telescreens in people’s houses, when he Berlin Wall is still standing there, in East Berlin people also have those little microphones that can record your voice and speak out voice, if they heard you say something bad to the government, you’ll get punished.



  1. What genre of books do you enjoy reading the most?


I like to read semi-fiction books and they have a lot of ways of understanding them. I don’t like fantasy, fiction or semi-fiction books. I don’t like fantasy because I think it’s too fake, it couldn’t happen in real life, with fiction, I still think it’s a little bit unreal. But non-fiction books just tell you information about things. Semi-fiction books are based on real-life things, but it just changed some slight meaning, like in Animal Farm, George Orwell expressed Stalin as Napoleon the pig, and turned all the citizens into barn animals. Or in 1984, Orwell was making a prediction to 1984, when he wrote this book, he was in 1949. Orwell was writing about London in the book, while I think the London he wrote was like when Berlin still had the Berlin Wall.


  1. Which book would you recommend?


If would recommend animal farm for year six children, and nineteen-eighty four for year eight kids. Animal farm is a bit easier to understand than nineteen-eighty four, because they used real people but just turned them into animals. Like they in the book they used Lenin as Old major the pig, who was good. But Stalin as Napoleon the pig, Molotov as Squealer the pig who was kind of like a bludger around Napoleon who always listen to Napoleon. Then there are  Snowball (who was the good pig after Old Major died) as Leon Trotsky. But with nineteen eighty four, there’s not specific people for the characters, so you’ll have to think yourself. The highest person in the government in the book is called Big Brother, so you could link him to many other people, there are telescreens in people’s houses, when he Berlin Wall is still standing there, in East Berlin people also have those little microphones that can record your voice and speak out voice, if they heard you say something bad to the government, you’ll get punished.


  1. Which book chat book are you reading?


I am reading Crenshaw by Catherine Applegate. This book is a about a boy called Jackson who had imagined a cat, he named the cat ‘Crenshaw.’ Jackson’s family are very poor, and now they really need money, so Crenshaw thought of ideas that might help Jackson’s family, so now Jackson’s family is not poor when the books finished. I don’t really like this book because this book is a fantasy book and personification on Crenshaw, so I don’t like it.



My First Month In Year 5

My First Month In Year 5

I’m called Daniel and I’m in year 5 at Carey. This is my first half month at year 5. I made friends with Mikko, and many people which I can’t get their permission because they are in other classes. I’m in a class called 5SD, and our teacher is called Mrs. Straford, she is very supportive, and likes to encourage us when we can’t do something.

We have many lessons other than literacy and maths. We do art, sport, music, library, Chinese, care, and sometimes we do APS sport.


Daniel Gao


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